Steps To Design An Enticing Flyer

Steps To Design An Enticing Flyer

Engaging visual aspects

Has something like this ever happened to you? Whatever it was that caught your gaze, it was most likely a visual element — may be the colors or shapes, or a nice photo or illustration, or attractively arranged typography. At their heart, flyers are visual advertisements, whether they’re selling something or not. So if you want a flyer to serve its intended purpose, it needs to be seen, first and foremost.


Uncompromising images without disturbing the content

You can turn striking photos into the main attraction by sitting them behind other items of content, like text and color. Gradients and transparency effects are fantastic for allowing you to step outside of the usual boxy grid layout and create a layered effect on your design.


Insert shapes for transposable designs

When you have multiple images and you're baffled about choosing the appropriate one, try experimenting with shape to create a modular style. A shape-based layout is exact for creating a modern photo collage on your flyer, which is optimal for almost every kind of purpose where you like to showcase a range of products and images.


Keep your information precise and bold               

Edit the text content down to mention the vital information only and don’t be tempted to flip flop. A flyer reader’s attention span is super-short, so make what they read in that split-second count. Make sure your font sizes are large and you're leading generous. And don’t be afraid to let a big, bold header dominate a large part of the flyer.


Attention to details

Make contact details and other essential information instantly readable. Design your website address in a bold color, or make sure the date and time of an event or sale are blown up to large-scale.

Balance a trio of bold elements—create a balanced team of one striking photo, one attention-grabbing header (in a legible but bold slab typeface) and one colored element (such as the triangle pattern used on this photo flyer template). Avoid overcrowding by sticking to this three-element rule—it’s pleasing to the eye and will be eye-catching without becoming an eyesore.


MI Media Labs creates an interactive online experience to boost your brand, event or any occasion that essentially requires a big promotion.



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